Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Finding Freedom, Day 5: The Urge to Fly

Forever, it seems, I have had the urge to fly the coop and venture off into horizons of a new and different kind. To leave the home I have known so long and forge a new kind of life, still on the same path just in a new location, always seemed impossible. And now I sit on the doorstep of my 45th birthday wondering what might have been.

What if I had not been afraid to leave home? What if I had more confidence as a young girl and had gone away to college? What if I had taken a job three states away? What if I didn't have the overwhelming sense of responsibility for my parents that shackles my curiosity? What if I had acted on my urge to fly?

Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art.  ~Izaak Walton

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