While it seems a trite concept to many or too hippy to others, I believe the answer to most of our problems is simply love. It seems too simple to be the answer to a world filled with conflict. Yet most divisions come on the heels of the inability to understand. Our struggle to wrap our brains around the normal of others creates a barrier for sincere acceptance.
But as human beings, we are not called to understand completely the choices or the desires of others. We are not expected to accept the decisions of others or to be ok with everything they do. We are not charged with knowing the intricate workings of every fabric of every human being around us.
We are simply called to love and not judge. That's it.
Love one another. Love as you would want to be loved. Judge not lest ye be judged. You know the sayings and the scriptures. You know the golden rule.
So why, on a day that is supposed to be all about love, don't we just try to do that. Love without explanation or expectation. Open your mind to the idea that sameness of thought or idea or belief is not a requirement for us to love each other. Then open your heart to give and receive unconditionally.
Happy Love Day.
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