Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Finding Freedom, Day 24: It's Time for a List!

List-making should be a competition. I would SO win. Today's list? If you had magic powers, what would you use them to do every day?

If I had magic powers, I would use them like a remote control. HOW MUCH FUN WOULD LIFE BE? If I had magic powers I would:

  1. Never take out the trash. It would remove itself from the house when it got full AND replace the bag in the trashcan.
  2. Freeze late mergers on the highway until I passed
  3. Stop people from talking who seemingly never shut up.
  4. Rewind conversations to before they got awkward, embarrassing or caused a fight.
  5. Do my hair and makeup every day.
  6. Put my clothes away. I like folding and ironing and placing things on hangers. I just don't like putting them away.
  7. Pick up dog poop.
  8. Drop myself to MY ideal weight and then EVERY DAY, I would erase whatever weight I gained because I would eat WHATEVER I WANTED.
  9. Unclog my arteries. :)
  10. Make everyone's student loans disappear!
I think that's enough for now. I wouldn't want to abuse my powers.

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